OQL for table order fails because order is not accepted?

This OQL gives an error: Select *  from AppstoreAppDemos.Order; An error occurred while executing OQL: OQL query cannot be parsed: SELECT * FROM AppstoreAppDemos.Order; Error on line 1 character 31: no viable alternative at input 'Order' Error on line 1 character 36: mismatched input ';' expecting BY If I rename the entity to anything else and feed that name to the OQL, it works fine. Only when the entity is named Order, the error occurs. The OQL-interpreter seems to recognize it as the start of ORDER BY Renaming my entity Order to something else is a solution, but it is a ridiculous reason for not giving my entity the only correct name: Order. I have tried single and double quotes, but that does not help. You can try it by yourself at https://mydemoversion8-sandbox.mxapps.io/p/OQL Any ideas if there is a workaround for this (other than renaming my entity to anything else than Order) Addition after Martin’s response: “Order” might be a reserved word for sql-statements, but it is perfectly allowed to name your entity 'Order' in Postgres. This is a valid postgresql query: SELECT * FROM public."appstoreappdemos$order" ORDER BY date; The same goes for entities named 'Group' , 'Where' and 'Limit'. The modeler did warn me a while ago that 'Case' is a reserved word and not allowed as entity name. Now using xCase, which looks pretty unprofessional.   Dug into the Javacode and apparently it fails at  IDataTable results = Core.retrieveOQLDataTable(context, OQLTextGetRequest); Tried replacing it with string-variable as a signature IDataTable results = Core.retrieveOQLDataTable(context, OQLQuery); but the same error kept occurring.
2 answers

Using your test site I got a valid result encapsulating the whole table name in double quotes:

FROM "AppstoreAppDemos.Order";

results in

appstoreappdemos$order.ID	TotalAmount	Date
48132221017522177	120.00000000	1577833200000
48132221017522178	250.00000000	1580598000000
48132221017522179	300.00000000	1583190000000


I am not sure why it works like this and haven’t found documentation pointing in this direction either but I just fiddled around with your demo site for a bit and got this :P


Since 'order' is a reserved word in both sql and postgresql I think you'll have to reconsider renaming your table, which should be preferable to any workaround anyway. Maybe the modeler should warn in cases like this. It does so for attributes.
