Amount of Activities / Flows in your model

Hi All,   I was wondering whether it is somehow possible to measure how many flows / activities / pages / whatever your application has (in 1 go)? I am aware of the ctrl + shift + f function to find large microflows and then put the size to 1, but there I manually need to somehow count the amount of activities which I would like to measure. Is there a tool or anything you can use for this to get this automated, or to get the sum?   best regards, Bob.
2 answers

Mendix has AQM available for detailed quantitative analysis.

In my opinion AQM is pretty user friendly. It does require a paid subscription afaik.


Find Advanced (ctrl + shift + f) ==> Documents ==> Microflows / Pages. You can't search for activities, for that you would need the Mendix SDK and to count everything yourself.
