Size of Barcode scanner button

Hi, I have a few Barcode scanner buttons on one of my pages with different captions which make them have different width. These scanner buttons appear in separate containers in a Data View in a table column of 20% width (see pic). I’d like to set their width to be fixed at a certain percentage (e.g. 100% of the available space) but it seems that the css width attribute is not affecting them, not even when I set it exactly at 100px. I tried to apply the same width to the Data view and the container at the same time but nothing changed. Does someone have any idea how this should be solved?   Thanks
4 answers

Hi Kolman,

On Mendix 8 you can use nanoflow Action to start the bar code scanner, that way you can leverage on standard buttons and do more awesome workflow.

Cheers, Andries


Heey Kalman,

When your app is running in the browser you can inspect the buttons by right clicking them and then selecting inspect. Is the css you have given the buttons being applied correctly or is it being overwritten by an other element?


Hi Kalman,

I agree with Edo. You can also use Calypso and check on the fly when you change the css of the widget.



Thanks for the answers!

I’ve inspected the barcode scanner buttons as Edo advised and none of my css attributes were applied to them at all. I toyed around a bit with them in DevTools just to see if everything worked correctly, but the final solution was what Andries suggested.
