How to customize home page

Hi Everyone, I would like to customize  home page of my application, but  I don’t know how to apply  bootstrap class to mendix. For example, I would like to put a Text in front of image content but I don’t how to customize it. Could anyone explain me how works CSS customization within Mendix ? Thanks in advance,   Charles Randriatahina
2 answers

If you open your project in Mx Studio, you can use a designer feature (by clikcing the brush) to define a default color set of you app. 


Hi Charles, the standard bootstrap classes work out of the box and can be used on your elements by adding them to the ‘class’ box in your modeler. See this page in the Mendix Docs section for more info

Custom styling can be done by adding Sass classes, see this how-to for instance to get started using koala (sass compiler)

Good luck and let us know if this is enough info to get you started!
