Autologin through deeplink

Hi, I’m trying to create a login functionality through a deeplink. So i call a deeplink with 2 parameter (username/password) and then i should login automatically and go to the home page of the logid in user. However how exactly to do this? in the deeplink microflow i check user/pass combo with the java action and then i want to login with my custom java action but how to set the returned session from login(username,password) as the active session and change the corresponding current user? Thanks!
1 answers


I am also interested by a solution, this is obviously doable, (there is even a module that log you with only the username). 

Maybe you can try to see the java action used during a normal login process, and reuse that java action in your microflow.


You also said that you already check the user pass combo, so you just need to login the user, if you did not find a solution you may want to use the module that log you with only the username (it is called autologin), but I would strongly recommand you to not allowed anonymous user to use it (in the microfow, put the allowed to none)
