Build a MindSphere App in Mendix

Hi,  i have already seen this question on the forum. I have the same problem but my question is what name is necessary for host tenant and user tenant in this example i don’t know what name or what i should write inside this and where can i find it the right name! I hope you can help me   Thank You  Best regards Andi   I am developing my first Mindsphere mendix app. Ihaved pushed it to Mindsphere using CF, When i run app locally i have to provide Cocpit app name , version, host tenant name, user tenant name client id and secret.  But when i submit it i got error:    “Unable to fetch Application Credentials. Response Code: 401.  ErrorType: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException Message: 401: at MindSphereSingleSignOn.ACT_ApplicationCredentials (CallRest : 'Call REST (POST)') Advanced stacktrace:” I have given roles and premissions in Mindsphere for my app, i have checked and double checkt app credentials.  Have  somebody any idea why i am getting this error?  Best regards  Andi  
3 answers

the name of your development tenant could be seen on Launchapd: See example here:


To your second question:
1.) See the two MindSphere Tutorials on Mendix Academy
a) Build a MindSphere app with Mendix
b) Build a MindSphere app – continued

In the second training you learn how to use MindSphere APIs to show a chart diagram on daily basis for a selected asset based on aggregates.

Or you could just use the Mdsp Aggregate Chart from the “Siemens MindSphere Web Components Widgets” from Appstore and use the chart in combination with the DateTimePicker to switch between different time ranges.
See also the demo app:
Siemens MindSphere Asset Monitoring Example:

where everything is wired up and working.



Hi Andreas,
during development HostTenant and UserTenant is the name of your development tenant on mindsphere.


thank you for the fast answer!

but this is my question is my development name on MindSphere the e-mail address which i use to log in me in MindSphere.

or one of the names that i configured in the API or something else

is it the email address or the Name above?

my case is i am a student and this is a project from university and i am not an expert in this… and we have more names so i don’t know exactly which is the right.

Can i asked another question here?

we should make some diagrams in the page for MindSphere can we copy paste some sides from the pump example. The sides where the different diagrams we can see? If this is possible is it very complicated or is there any easy way to make some different diagrams to see daily, monthly and yearly diagrams of a configured asset like a pump

is this possible to copy in the starter application perhaps one of them? or is this not possible

Best regards and thank you for the help

