How to get StartDate and EndDate by passing month value/reference at Microflow

Team, I have an requirement to get StartDate and EndDate by passing month value/reference at Microflow. Ex:  If pass month value  as JAN or 01, Microflow should return StartDate and EndDate of current year. Could you pls share if you have any thoughts to acheive this.   Thanks..!
2 answers

My suggestion would be to use the addMonth or addMonthUTC function. The start of a month is always simple but for the end just add one month and then substract 1 millisecond. Then you do not need to do the leapyear stuff.





There are a few ways to do this:


  • Create a table with 3 fields: Month, End Day, End Day Leap Year – you read the table entry for your month and populate the day accordingly with the date functions
  • Java code
  • A microflow where you extract your year from your current year and use the modulus function ($Year mod 4).  If the mod result is != 0, FEB/02 will have 29 as the end date, the rest is covered in an if statement


Date functions can be found here:
