Generate .apk file locally for native mobile app.

Hi All! I am working on an example provided in the how-to’s for Native mobile Use Local Notifications. I am testing the app using the MakeItNative app in my mobile. But when clicking on the notification app should open with a detail page. I am unable to test that part as it is showing the launch screen. Also the three finger touch not working properly to look into the stylings part. Is there anyway to generate a local .apk file to test in my mobile without making use of GitHub or appcenter things? (Using studio pro 8.4.1 version) Any help would be appreciated! Thanks and Regards Sushuma
1 answers

Hi Sushuma !

Currently there are implementation limitations in Android. Please give it a go in IOS aswell. We are currently working on improvements for implementing push also on apps which are created with Native Builder.

Let me know !


Mehmet Ali 
