Infinite Provisioning and Postgresql Service error

Dear all, I am trying to deploy one of my already developed apps (Using Odata service + Mendix UI/Ux) into SAP cloud platform. While deploying to SAP Cloud trial account i followed steps mentioned in the documentation of SAP Cloud Deployment. While deploying to SAP cloud i was getting below error for PostgreSQL service.   I do not understand why is it required to have PostgreSQL service to be enabled in SAP Cloud platform ? (Am i doing anything wrong step/s) Also i was getting above error for few times in morning and then suddenly it went into Provisioning state , i had a feeling that it may be doing something in background, but its surprising that this is infinite loop for Provisioning. As shown below i am still seeing that my app is in provisioning state…(its almost more than 30 Hours now :( ) I am really confused here and dont know if it will come out of this or not. I can not even stop is and it is frustrating that we as developers can not control this behavior… Please let me know if anyone familiar with this issue and can shed some light on this… Thanks in advance.
2 answers

You need a PostgreSQL service enabled in order to provide the database for your Mendix application. This is where any perisistable data is stored. With some apps that is a lot of data, and in others that leverage a lot of non-persistent data from SAP or other third-parties, it may only be User records and a few settings. Either way, you need a database.

As for the provisioning process being stuck, that of course is not supposed to happen. I think your best bet is to submit a ticket with Mendix support.



 Did you solve the problem?

I got the same error and I don’t know How to solve it.
