Email Template Token

I want to send email with the help of Email Template.So I have created Email template and also create some tokens.When trying to use Token in HTML body and PLAIN body, It didn’t fetch any value.So please help me for fetching Token value in Email Template HTML body and PLAIN body. HTML body- <p>Hello! </p><p><br></p><p>You have been invited by {%InvitedByName%} +&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">{%InvitedByLastName%} </span>to create a new customer account with {%BrandName%}. This simple application process will allow you to enter your business information quickly so that you can begin transacting with {%BrandName%}with a new account.  PLAIN body- Hello! You have been invited by {%InvitedByName%} {%InvitedByLastName%} to create a new customer account with {%BrandName%}. This simple application process will allow you to enter your business information quickly so that you can begin transacting with {%BrandName%} with a new account. Below are the screenshot of microflow- Here, I Retrieve EmailTemplate name which is defined.                      
1 answers

With this much information it is hard to help you. Try to set a breapoint in your microflow that retrieves the tokenlist. Is this list empty? If not did you pass the correct data object? If you still not able to find your mistake edit your question and publish the microflow that you currently use.




You never pass an data object so your tokens never get replaced. Take a look at the sample microflow Sub_CreateAndQueuedEmail or Sub_CreateAndSendEmail in the EmailTemplate module. Your microflow should look soemthing like that.
