Image Validation

Hi Mendix community, I’m encountering a problem when I want to validate an entity that inherits from System.Image. I setup my domain model like this: I created an entity that inherits from System.Image and added an extra attribute (to hold some text) to this entity. When the user clicks the save button, I want to check, using a microflow, whether the textfield contains a value and the object contains an image. When creating and testing this validation I encountered the following problem. The validation on the text-input field and the image takes place, although on the image it’s represented by a popup and not a message underneath the uploadbox. When I upload an image and click the save button once again, without entering anything in the text-input field, the image gets saved in the DB, although there was a validation error for the text-input field. How can I prevent the image from being saved to the DB when there still are validation errors? Hope I described my case clear enough. In case of doubt, just ask!    With kind regards, Tom
1 answers


Here’s a quick update. I managed to get it to work by adding validation rules to the datamodel. The combination of the validation provided by the datamodel and the microflow results in the desired behavior.

