Displaying an image using a URL provided by a REST service

Hello all, Sorry if this is a trivial question, but I’m having a hard time getting my head around it. I’m getting data from a REST service and displaying it in a Mendix app using Run Locally.  The service provides a URL for an image stored on the same server.  The images aren’t displaying in the app and I’m getting no-referrer-when-downgrade  errors in the browser.  I’m guessing this is a cross origin issue.  Is there a way to do this in a Mendix app?   Thanks, Ross
3 answers

Hi Ross,

I've used a java action (storeURLToFileDocument) from the CommunityCommons module to store images from a URL to a filedocument in my app. Maybe this could be a solution for you as well.

With this method you are saving the images to a filedocument in your application though.


Thanks for you answer.  I’ll explore that possibility.  The data shows a list of products and I need to show the images along with other data in a list.  I’m not sure how I can link the images to the products with this solution.



Solved. It wasn’t a cross domain issue.  I had an extension that was blocking it.


