Dynamically Create Modules just like SAP Odata Module Creator

Hello everyone, we have quite a few use cases for Mendix and many of them are quite similar. At the moment we would not know of a solution that scales well. That’s why we would like to dynamically create modules. One example of a tool that can do that is the SAP Odata Module Creator does(https://sapodatamodelcreator.mendixcloud.com/). Our dream scenario would be that we could specify some parameters and our tool creates a data module and micro flows according to the parameters. Any guidance or hints are appreciated.
1 answers

Hi Kevin,

Theoretically you can do everything the modeler does with the Mendix Model SDK and Mendix Platform SDK by automatically writing the needed Typescript which at the end executes it against the SDK's (creates the project, module, logic etc)

Practically this is a lot of (research) work and not everything is documented well enough in my experience.

You can start reading about it at https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/mxsdk/

