Microsoft Graph - Retrieve/Write to sharepoint online list

Hi , I would like to use Microsoft Graph in order to retrieve data from my sharepoint online list and then update it within my Mendix app.  But I don’t know how to manage it, how can I display list data into my mendix application ? How can I manage permissions in my application regarding to users permissions in my sharepoint online ? Could anyone help me and provide more details about it ? thanks in advance,
2 answers

I’ve been making a lot of integrations with Graph in Mendix.  Mostly with O365 email/calendar though.

There are CRUD operations for Lists and ListItems.

My suggestion is to run all your REST calls in a tool like Postman.  Use that to get working JSON examples.  You can paste those directly into a Mendix “JSON structure” document to build your Import/Export mappings.  The “Map automatically…” button can generate your domain model entities for you.

Then you use the “Call REST” activity in your microflow to run it.  Your import mapping on the return should map the array of ListItems to your entity.  Then you can display them on a page using a Data Grid or List View.


As for permissions, you can work that out by using delegated permissions to get your bearer token


I’ve been trying to figure out how to use SAML xml from AAD SSO to pass delegated permissions to obtain a Graph token.  Haven’t had much luck there yet.  There just isn’t much documentation about it.  But that’s a Microsoft problem, not Mendix.


Hope this helps, and good luck!


My problem


