Button Opening Modal Pop Up Data View

Hi All – I have a button that I’ve set to open a modal pop-up data view page (this modal pop-up should display additional child table information). The association isn’t working, i.e., the record displaying on the page doesn’t open to that particular record’s detail on the modal pop-up data view page; instead the modal pop-up shows ALL records’ detail. I have the modal pop-up set to Context > Association as its data source. Is there anything general I might be missing?  
2 answers

Have you tried using an Xpath constraint? Something like this (you should adapt it to your domain model set-up)?


[Order_Customer/Customer/User_Customer/User = '[%CurrentUser%]']


Or you could call a microflow on the button, then first do a retrieve of what you need exactly, and give that object to a the modal pup-up page you want to display.


Hope this helps.


Best regards,




Thanks for the response. Can you clarify what you mean by giving the object to the modal pop-up page? Do you mean returning an object from the microflow? The microflow I’m envisioning would just have a Retrieve action only, correct?
