Mendix SAML Module

I need to  configure the entity where user is found e.g. System.User. But I am not getting this entity in the configuration page. I am only getting SAML20 entities.  When I checked the SAML module documentation, there is option in the images attached, where in we can select ‘Connect attributes which are provided by the IdP to mendix domain model.’ but this option doesnt come up when I am trying to set up entity for my application. How can I selecy System entities in mendix SAML configuration. Any help would be appreciated.    
2 answers

Hi Alpa,

Make sure you run your model reflection with ‘System’ module checked, as this is where the User entity is in which you’ll (probably) want to use.


MxModelReflection is a module from the App store that allows you to see all the objects from your domain models in the client. You need to grant a user (technical admin preferably) access to the configuration/overview page that is included in the module, where he/she can select the modules of you application that need to be synchronized, meaning: the entities of which modules need to be generated to be available in the client. Here you need to select the ‘System’ module, so it will allow you to select System.User in your SAML configuration.
