List View Item hide on click

I want to hide list view items on click. When i click on “Toevoegen” it should hide that specific row from the list view. At the moment when i hide a list view item i get the following: it still shows the rows as empty rectangles.  Does anybody know how i can fix this? in detail please, im new to mendix :) Thx!
3 answers

Hi Jannes,

What value of the object changes when you select ‘Toevoegen’? A status, or some boolean? You can use this variable to filter in your listview, using xpath or in your datasource microflow. 

Let me know if it’s clear how to do this!


My guess is that you hide the content of the row, based on a attribute. What you want is remove the item from the list you get via the datasource. So you have to put your attribute in a XPath or you've to start using a microflow, to only get the objects you want to see in the list.


Okay, it worked. Thanks. It was easier then I thought

