Extract newly created records via ODATA

I need to extract entities out of my Mendix applications. I expose my entity via OData and extract the table. The next time I do an extract from the entity, I want to extract only newly created records. Can I rely on the internal ID column to do so? I.e. I record the largest ID from the previous call, and make the next OData call asking for records with higher ID values. Something like below.  http://localhost:8080/odata/SeparationTracker/Prioritys?$filter=ID%20gt%208725724278030337 The call seems to be doing the job. Can I rely on ID column? P.S. I would really hate to create an autonumber column in each entity purely because I need to extract data out of those entities.
2 answers

The algorithm for generating Mendix IDs does increment only in an ascending order. However, I think the ID column has a similar issue to the createDate. Mendix runtimes pre-reserve a set of IDs ahead of time for each entity, so if you have more than 1 runtime (horizontal scaling) then IDs could potentially be committed out of order.


You should not rely on the ID, especially if you run multi-instance. Each runtime caches 100 ids, and them assigns them as needed. This means that the following record ids can be inserted into your entities in this sequence: 1,2,100,101,3,4,102,104. Now, if  halfway you query the new records by selecting everything above 101, you will never receive id 3 & 4.
