ERROR While Publishing App To The Cloud?

Hello I’m trying to publish my Mendix application onto the cloud (so other users can see my app). For some reason inside of the Studio Pro editor I am unable to select the “run in cloud” button as this option is disabled. I have checked my security settings and configured my app to run in: “production mode” with no errors appearing inside the console. I’m a Siemens intern and my email is: - apparently my Mendix account is broken / or missing defined permissions? Please help!
2 answers

If you are using a licensed cloud node; your project should be visible on

In that case, you cannot use the single-click-deployment either, but you can click on Deploy to Licensed Cloud Node (shown in the same menu as in the earlier screenshot) and then Transport that package on the cloud portal to the desired Environment.


Are you sure the project is on the teamserver? Local projects cannot use the single-click-deployment.

In that case: first upload the project to the team server like this:
