Nanoflow settings - Validation

When calling a Microflow from a button click I can specify in advanced settings to not abort on validation errors. Is there a way to do the same when calling a Nanoflow? Edit: I think I didn’t describe my problem detailed enough: I have 2 buttons on this page, one should abort one validation errors and one shouldn’t. Both used to call respective microflows. Now I wanted to call a nanoflow from the button that shouldn’t abort on validation error. The validation was not done via a microflow so far, but with the Validation setting of the input text box.
3 answers

This has nothing to do with server side processing. I’ts simply a missing feature.

regards, Fabian



This is not available for Nanoflows.  I think the validations in question are processed on the server and, since nanoflows execute in the client without any server communication required, this type of validation is not possible with nanoflows.  However, you could perform these validations in your nanoflow and not complete nanoflow execution unless requirements are met.



In 8.2 you can call a microflow from a nanoflow.

This helps a  little bit since now you can use one and the same validation flow to do the validation. The downside is that this will generate a roundtrip when doing the validation. Vice versa would be nicer: having a validation nanoflow and call this from your microflow.
