JSON valid character checker

I’ve been having issues mapping json structured data into my objects...it works with some characters but not others. Here's a piece of the stack trace...good thing I used to program in Java: Caused by: com.mendix.integration.importer.ImportParseException: Error parsing JSON. Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0x96     at [Source: (org.apache.commons.io.input.AutoCloseInputStream); line: 6639, column: 31]     at com.mendix.integration.importer.json.JsonImporter.$anonfun$parseJson$2(JsonImporter.scala:58) Here’s the culprit in my .json data file: "description": "PCB (NL*) � Not covered by any other ESN", Here’s the rub, several on-line json format/character checkers say my json data and format are valid with the above culprit, but not Mendix, it’s throwing exceptions left and right. My short term work around is to open the data file in Atom, go to the offending line & column and do a find-replaceAll in Notepad.  Not very efficient and definitely very south of anything close to a best practice. Any recommendations? Thanks!
3 answers

It sees to me like a encoding problem. I would suggest use Notepad++ to see which encoding it has and potentially convert it to acceptable encoding.

Notepad++ deals with such issues without doubts.


Can you set up a single unit test for this mapping and share it with us via the microflow share button?


Where did your JSON file come from? 

It sounds like it’s been created on a Windows system and saved using windows-1252 as the character set encoding instead of UTF-8.

Try regenerating the JSON and see if there is an option for saving as UTF-8, or loading it into a good text editor and changing the character set to UTF-8.
