MxAdmin does not have user roles

Hi, I am currently having an issue logging in with the MxAdmin account on Acceptance. When attempting to login through MxAdmin, the live log informs me that there are no user roles for MxAdmin, while the Administrator tab in the modeler clearly has MxAdmin set the app’s sysadmin role.   Any thoughts on how to fix this?
2 answers


The Administrator tab settings from the Modeler do not carry over into cloud environments.  You will need to create a microflow that runs after startup and:

  • checks to see if MxAdmin exists
  • if it doesn’t exist, creates it
  • if it does exist, make sure it has the required user roles.

Here is an example of a microflow that checks for an admin user and creates it if doesn’t exist:

Hope that helps,



I’m getting the same error when trying to log in to the LearnNow app. It seems odd that we would have to jump through those kind of hoops during a training. I’m also confused why others aren’t having the same problem.
