Get (custom) cookie name where the session id is stored in Java

In the OAuth module, the cookie name where the session id is used to log in the user. However, this name is hard-coded in like this: private static final String XAS_SESSION_ID = "XASSESSIONID"; In the Runtime settings, you can customize this to use something else (see below). Now the question: how can you retrieve this custom setting in Java such that I can update the OAuth module to use this customized setting? com.mendix.core.SessionIdCookieName Defines the name of the cookie value which represents the session id. Can be useful to change when running in a container which assumes a certain name for the session cookie (e.g. Pivotal assumes ‘JSESSIONID’ as session cookie name).  
1 answers

From the APIDocs, it seems that



holds what you are looking for.
