Mobile apps authentication

Hi, I am currently working on multiple hybrid mobile apps, in which one app acts as launchpad and contains list of mobile apps from which each app can be opened. The requirement is that apps must use SSO to authenticate users. I was able to successfully configure SSO for hybrid mobile apps thanks to this doc: The problem is this must work like in web apps:​​​​​​ user opens 1st app, authenticates through SSO and is logged in into the app. user opens 2nd app, and is already authenticated.   Is it possible to e.g. exchange tokens between apps and use it to authenticate user in the second app?
1 answers

You can use autologin to handoff users from one app to the other. This way you can do the SSO in the first app and then hand them over to the app they want to go to. See this excellent blogpost for the steps:



