Mendix with POI Integration

Does mendix platform good to use for reporting application which uses heavy java business logic and excel formats currently planning to use POI
2 answers

Yes, you can use Mendix as a reporting tool, but when you are looking for a reporting tool there are better options. Look for BI tools.



It could be done if it is generating reports in Excel plus some nice visualizations with graphs on your pages. For highly interactive dashboards, Mendix is not the best tool, so if that is the case, opt for other software as mentioned by Tim.

Mendix uses the Apache POI library for exporting and importing Excel files as well. If you have proper Java knowledge those can be extended to your needs. Not sure if you want to build all heavy business logic in microflows. It depends on how heavy it is. From my experience if you work with more than 100.000 records needed in single transactions, standard Mendix microflows will become slow. Then you can fallback to Java which is with these amounts way faster.

So, only go for this if you have good Java skills in your team as well and know when to deviate from standard Mendix to Java directly. 
