Can I check if a FileDocument object appears in the file server/database?

I am looking to bulk-download some FileDocument objects that are attached to a customer object. I am going to do this by using the app store module ‘ZipDocuments’. Problem is, when I do a retrieve on all of the FileDocuments and then go to zip them up and download the zip, I get an error due to some documents not existing. I think this is due to the FileDocument object still existing even if there isn’t an associated file on the file server. Is there a way to check if the file exists before adding it to the zipping list?  
2 answers

No standard way i guess..

You could create your own logic, for example:

Use community commons, use the filesize java action.

This would probably return an error for a non existing document on disk. Use custom errorhandling to detect if the document is missing, if a file size is returned there is a document?


You can use the filedocument _guid field (cant remember what its called) and then use java to check if its on the disk
