How to handle User/Account in an application

I have been working with Mendix for 2 months now. How it works is very clear. 1 thing that still bothers me is the very unclear implementation of security. I know you have a System.User and an Administrator.Account and that User is final/fixed and Account can be updated with custom fields. Now what unclear is for me is when I retrieve the $currentUser variable I get a System.User and that is causing a lot of problems because all our domain models that belong to a user have an association with Adminstrator.Account. It stores who the domain model belongs to. We have also noticed how the permissions surrounding User are very strict, possibly because of User being a final domain model.  Can anybody explain this all to me and perhaps someone can create a page with clear information about the difference because it’s very very confusing and not only me, also my college’s have no idea what the difference is, should you put entity security on System.User or Administrator.Account and those kinds of questions. Mendix in general is really good except for this. It really needs work so that it is clearer for users how this works.  
2 answers

Hi Martijn,

It does seem confusing at first but it actually makes a ton of sense when you dive in.  Every Administrator.Account is a specialization of System.User.  You can get the Account version of the object by casting (use the Cast action) the System.User object or even better would be not to use the $currentUser at all and use the Microflow called GET_CurrentUser from the Administrator module (You can also do this with a database retrieve and use id=$currentUser).   With regard to the security, remember that Account has all the properties of User because they are inherited.  So you can get/set the UserRoles on Account just like you can on a User.

I hope that helps!




All your observations are correct. A lot has already been said on this so I will keep this short.

1: System.User is misnamed. This should have been called Account. Now Account inherits from User. This is just plain wrong. An account is not a user. A user has an account.
2: There are indeed some issues around System.User and security. For this reason I like not inheriting from User, but associating with it instead. (Note: You own the Administration module, you are not forced in any way to use it's current setup).
3: You can make a simple microflow that casts $CurrentUser to an Account if you actually do use the standard inheritance setup.
4: There is no perfect solution. A good solution from a logical point of view required an extra association and therefore slightly slower database performance for everything where you need to check the assocation to currentUser.
