v7 Project linked to v8 Project

My Version 7 project of our UI Resource is somehow linked to the Version 8 package.  I need these to be two SEPARATE projects each with their own cloud version demo. How do I unlink and have a separate cloud version of both?  And how do i get my v7 project to not be looking at v8 and asking me to update?
2 answers

I believe you need a separate branch line for your older version that way when people open a the branch line on 7 they will not be prompted to upgrade. Not sure how exactly you will be able to create a branch in the old version when it sounds like you’ve upgraded your mainline to 8 already but hopefully someone else can chime in.


You want two separate projects, so they should indeed be two separate projects and not one project with two branches. You have no good idea what part of your project makes it look at V8, so start a new V7 project and import part of your old V7 project into it, each time checking if it is still ok and not asking for an upgrade.
