Mic widget

Hello is there any Mic widget available in Mendix 8?
2 answers

Starting with Mendix 8 you can write javascript actions. This will let you access the microphone without a custom widget. Copy and paste the code from stack overflow into a javascript action and you are good to go



Rosette, I tried this too and was kind of successful. The javascript was not the easiest to understand, so I searched for an found another javascript of Bryan Jenningz. He also included a live example for recording audio and one for storing the recording to a NodeJs server.

I have created the Javascript in Mendix for record-audio, works fine. See https://mydemoversion8-sandbox.mxapps.io/p/speech. Click button ”Record 2 seconds from microphone and play” and click ok when asked if it is ok to use your microphone.

You can download the software at https://github.com/TimvanSteenbergen/MyDemoVersion8. If you want, add the functions that you succeed in getting to work and create a pull-request to this project.

In Firefox, this icon shows up after you give ok to use your mic:

In Chrome it is just the red button:
