In a Document-template in a Template-grid how to insert a pagebreak after each record?

In a Document-template in a Template-grid how to insert a page break after each record? That's my question. I have inserted a page break, which is easy, but it is too low since now it will do a page break after the list CLLabel instead of after each CLLabel. The Document-template does not allow me to place the page break in the list of CLLabel. My intention is to have one label shown on one page. A bad solution is to set the height of the last row high enough to make it post the next label on the next page, but that is likely to generate positioning problems after a few pages since it will move up or down slightly.
1 answers

Hi Tim, I think you can do this with some css. I think you can use the following styling on your table within the template grid:


Hope this helps.
