How to access inner most Json Data and store them in Table

How can store innermost data (key, value) in json data and store them in table from JsonObject. These are my json data and Domain Model. I’ve created the following microflow which is called be a data grid. For the MF, I’ve created ‘Call Rest’, but I’m not getting what should be next one. The MF ends with returning List of JsonObject to a Data Grid.   How can store innermost data (key, value) in json data and store them in table from JsonObject. These are my json data and Domain Model. I’ve created the following microflow which is called be a data grid. For the MF, I’ve created ‘Call Rest’, but I’m not getting what should be next one. The MF ends with returning List of JsonObject to a Data Grid.  
2 answers

You should create an import mapping and map the json elements on your own objects, then you can add them to a datagrid.





In your microflow, you need two additional retrieve actions.  After the REST call, add a retrieve that gets Items from Root via Association.  Next at a retrieve to get JSONObjects from Items via Association.  The second retrieve will give you a list of JSONObjects that you can manipulate, store in a persistable entity, etc.

Note that your retrieves should always be via association when working with Non Persistent Entities.

Hope that helps,

