Mendix Studio Pro View Project

I’m using Mendix Studio Pro 8.0. After I run the project locally, I can’t view the app on browser. It just shows a login window but I can’t login. I’m doing the practice project in the learning path.  When I run other template projects, there is no such problem.  What can I do to solve this problem? Thank you in advance!
3 answers

You have security turned on.

If you aren't yet at the sucurity part; then turn it off

  1. project
  2. Security
  3. off 
  4. Then run appno login required

otherwise configure the Master administrator password

  1. Project
  2. Security
  3. tab administrator
  4. Set password
  5. Run app; login using MxAdmin + your set password




Which learning path and what project?

The usual logins are :

username:  mxadmin
Password:  1

However I seem to remember another username like ‘George Fey’ or something – so you might need to check the notes on the course module.


Thank you guys. Both methods work. I’m gonna continue my learning path :)
