Accept Terms of use page for every new user

I would like to display a Terms of Use page with a confirm button for each new user who logs in via SAML. If the user who logs in via SAML already has an account in Mendix and has already confirmed the Terms of Use before, he should be forwarded directly to the homepage. I created a new entity in myModule (AdditionalUserAttributes) with a toc_accepted boolean and added System.User as Generalization. Now in the SAML Module in the CustomAfterSigninLogic I created a new object of my new entity AdditionalUserAttributes (which already doesn't seem to be the best solution, since I don't want to create a new object every time a user logs in, but want to check if the user already exists and if so, what the boolean toc_accepted looks like). In order to direct the user to the correct page after login (Terms of use page or homepage) depending on the value of the boolean, I wanted to use a microflow as default homepage for all users, which checks the boolean - but here I get an error that there should be no parameters in such a microflow. Do you have a hint how I can build it as clean and simple as possible? Thanks a lot  
1 answers

System.User as Generalization. Now in the SAML Module in the CustomAfterSigninLogic I created a new object of my new entity AdditionalUserAttributes   

AdditionalUserAttributes is not a specialization of User, but extends it. So instead of specialize a user, relate AdditionalUserAttributes 1-1 to User and retrieve AdditionalUserAttributes over association.

In the microflow you have the [currentuser] available and thus you can retrieve it’s related boolean and from there exclusive-split to your desired followup activity.
