Tasks App Styling Breaks - Bug in MX Studio Pro?

When I use the “Tasks App” template as a starting point in a project in MX Studio Pro (Beta 3), it never displays right when running locally, as the CSS seems to be stuffed.   If I start the project from Mendix Studio in the cloud, it works and looks great, up until the point that I download it, and open it up in MX Studio Pro on my desktop….. What might I be doing wrong? Image of the Styling Issue
2 answers

This is because this app has yet to be upgraded to support BETA3 and above styling. If you read the release notes https://docs.mendix.com/releasenotes/studio-pro/8.0 you’ll see that the styling and DOM has changed in BETA 3 onwards. All starter applications will be fixed once we go GA at the end of this month. 



Thanks Simon!  Appreciate the explanation.  I’ll review the release notes.
