Place container as last item in listview

***SOLVED*** I got a tip with looks to have solved it! I put a display: inline on the class and the box is pasted at the ‘end’ of the listview. No htmlSnippets and Javascript for now, yeah. ---- Hi all, I need some help or advice in something I want to achieve. I have a listview with items displayed inline-block. I want a container at the end of a row. Desired end result The + container has ACT_Foto_New flow to create new images. The listview has an on click configured to a Foto_NewEdit I'm trying to get this to work with an htmlSnippet with Javascript to get the + container as list item in the list This is my setup:   var listview = document.querySelector(".mx-name-listViewImage"); var item = document.querySelector(".mx-name-listItemImage"); if (listview !== null && item !== null) { var list = listview.querySelector(".mx-list"); if(list != null) { list.appendChild(item); } } else { console.warn("HTML Snippet voldoet waarschijnlijk niet aan voorwaarden: 1) Namen komen niet overeen met classnames. 2) Snippet staat niet onder elementen"); } There are multiple listviews on this page so this is probably not going to work but I'm stuck here.. How can I get the right mx-list and how can I get the container inside the list. Any help is appreciated! --- **SOLVED** I got a tip with looks to have solved it! I put a display: inline on the class and the box is pasted at the ‘end’ of the listview. No htmlSnippets and Javascript for now, yeah.
3 answers

you can do this with css.
place the contents in a container and with css give the container a display none

then you can use the :last-child selector and give the container display:block

the downside is that the container will still be rendered in every list item, but It might be a bit more managable than the java script option.


As a start, your JavaScript is (probably) triggered before the content of your listview is loaded. Then create some form of ‘waiting’ function to check that the list-items have loaded

function whileLoading(selector, callback, timeoutTime = 20) {
  if (jQuery(selector).length) {
  } else {
    setTimeout(function() {
      whileLoading(selector, callback);
    }, timeoutTime);

The function above can be triggered with something like

whileLoading('.selector', yourFunction);


After that JS can be used to move the ‘add photos’ tile to the DOM location beneath the listview items.

This might help, though it’s no complete solution.


Hi Sjors,

For future compatibility I would strongly discourage editing the DOM with javascript. This will like cause trouble for the future you/college, when migrating to the next version.

You can make this work with Mendix only. Just be creative…. Have a data source microflow/nanoflow that adds an extra empty image object. Based on Boolean/enum set visibility you can show the + sign in the empty object, and show the real pictures in the others

Cheers, Andries.
