Error: server failed to start

Hi everyone, A few hours ago I had some issues with running my project on the new Beta 3 version. My friend had the same project running on his computer on Beta 2. Since we did not figure out how to solve the issues on the Beta 3, I decided to delete my version of the project, and open it again from the mendix team server on the Beta 2 modeler. This worked fine. However, since then, we both get the following error whenever we want to run the project locally: Does anyone know how to solve this issue…?
2 answers

userlib directory contains two the same libs, only different version? What happens if you remove commons-io-2.3.jar?


I do have the same error but without the .jar part.

i.e. java.lang.numberformatexeption: for input string: “.”

Have you been able to fix this, since it has been a week?
