How to integrate pictures from

Hello everyone, we want to create an address book in our application and want to integrate pictures from our employee portal. Are there APIs our solutions how we can integrate the pictures to our addressbook?   Kind regards, Waldemar
2 answers

Is your employee portal also a mendix app? If yes, can you work on the code? If so, you could just create an api for it. If not, you could ask the people working on it for an api.

If it’s not a mendix app, you need to find out if it provides an API for it that you can consume.


You have to build it yourself, as it is a app-specific pictures and for exmaple not Mendix cloud portal service.

Publish a  API to upload pictures of your exmployees f.i. ; POST /pictures with parameters like employeeID, base64 (picture base64 encoded content). For inspiration of API design you can have a look to
