Published ODATA service causing system to run out of memory. GC overhead limit exceeded

Hi all Published ODATA service causing system to run out of memory. "GC overhead limit exceeded"  This happened directly after upgrading to version 7.23.6. We expose a entity for powerbi using ODATA. Power bi calls this service at 05h00 each morning. The entity has 204 000 records which is not alot in the greater scheme of things.  So the questions is:   – Is this just that i have gone over 200 000 records? can i increase my ODATA overhead limit?  – Is it a 7.23.6 version problem? Has anybody had the same problem?  – Does 7.23.6 need more memory for ODATA. What ill do is decrease the number of records but this is not a perminent solution as 200 000 records is small compared to what we are looking at in the future. Is there a way to Fix this without more ram like a ODATA setting? Regards, Patrick      
2 answers

You can add paging to your ODATA feed to limit the data.


Pagination works well, Ive used it before but just couldn’t come to the solution this morning…….Thank you Paul for getting the cobwebs out of my brain. 

We have put Mendix 7.23.6 into product and is working well….This was not a 7.23.6 problem….it was a memory and developer problem. :-)  
