Show milestones from entity (flexible number of milestones) in chevrons like the progess bar

Hi, I have an entity that contains a flexible number of milestones by projects: I want to display them next to each other, horizontally, ideally with chevrons in the background like in the progress bar: In order to get them to be next to each other, I have tried using flexitems, having a flex container around the list view and then a flexitem around the layout grid that is displayed in the list view. but they continue to be below each other instead of next to each other. Can anybody help me with this? once they are arranged horizontally, is there a way to show them as chevrons the way the wizard items are being show?   Thanks and cheers, Romana
2 answers

I suggest looking at other questions around getting lists to display horizontally first. Once that is complete you could apply the further styling.

See this topic for example.

Edit: Not sure why the above isn’t working for you, again, I suggest starting from aligning your entries before doing the rest of the styling

The below styling can be achieved with ease (I left the search field in as a proof of it being a list):

.mx-list .mx-listview-item {
    flex: 1;
    border: solid 1px #ccc;
    text-align: center;
.mx-list {
    display: flex;

Hope this helps



I’ve tired everything I found the forum, but so far, I haven’t been able to get them to be next to each other.
