CICD using Gitlab

I want to set up CICD pipeline for my Mendix app using Gitlab. Following are the queries. Is it possible to commit the code to Mendix default repository from other than Modeler ? I want to commit it from Gitlab. In case of using Gitlab, do I need to maintain the repository at  both the places – Gitlab and Mendix default repository ? Is there any API for pushing the code to Mendix default repository ?
2 answers

You can use both on the same directory. That’s how I do it for projects that I have put in the Appstore. Works well, but so far I always assumed I had to commit to both separately (not necessarily always both). So I would say: no, not possible. But looking around on the internet, it seems possible:   


The Mendix Team Server is at and is a regular Subversion server. You should be able to commit to it using any svn client and your (Sprintr) credentials. Be aware though, that a regular svn client will not set extra information like changed documents or Modeler version in the svn properties like the Modeler does.
