parameter Service_Input of the selected microflow does not match available aruguments . No aruguments are available

I want to get the response from API which will give me the list of service in response for that I have  to pass an object . So I have created export_mapping which  contains the json as below: ({   "serviceCode": "GSH",   "AssetCode": "E48T07" }) I have created a microflow with import_mapping and export mapping . but it’s giving me the error “parameter 'Service_Input' of the selected microflow does not match available aruguments . No aruguments are available error.”  Can anyone help me out with this ? 
1 answers

You are using this microflow as datasource microflow of a listview. The parameters of your microflow need to be available on your page and your listview needs to be inside of a dataview/Listview/Templategrid showing a Service_Input object.

If your listview is not in such a widget, you need to remove your input parameter end retrieve it in your microflow.
