Atlas UI Resources Questions

Hey guys, just a couple of quick questions about Atlas UI resources. Are Atlas UI Resources updated frequently? When there is an update to Atlas UI resources is the update pushed automatically to an existing project? Where do the source files live for Atlas UI in the project tree/local app files?   The context here is my company is working on trying to create an app wide theme based off of Atlas UI Resources. We’re trying to find the best way to keep that theme updated, and current without having to re-download Atlas UI resources (Upon updating) and configuring our custom SASS files. We’re worried we’ll have to do this for every app every time there is an update to Atlas UI resources, so I’m wondering if there is a better way?   Thank you in advance!
1 answers
  1. Not really. See
  2. No, you have to update it manually. The Atlas UI consists of two components: the module and the theme. 
  3. Under appstore modules in your modeler you can find the Atlas UI module that contains the building blocks and the layouts. You can find the theme in your projects file directory in the theme/styles folder.


What you want to create is a ui-resource-package that you can publish in your own company appstore. That will make it easier to update every project.

You can find more information here:
