Getting Assets Problem in Mendix App dev. for MindSphere OS

Hello dear Mendix community,    We are developing an IoT app for MindSphere OS using Mendix Developer 7.23.4. As we are developing the app for MindSphere we have started with the MindSphere Starter Application from Mendix App Store. Also to connect Assets to our Mendix Application we have used MindSphere Asset Management Connector module. When we are trying to get all the assets that we have created in our MindSphere Asset Manager we are not getting these assets. MindSphere token is correct because we have showed a message in our app. So we can enter our application and the MindSphere token that we get is correct. The problem is we cannot access to our Assets that we have created in Asset Manager of MindSphere . I also provide you the screen shots of our application logic and Microflow names.  Any idea?  Thank you very much beforehand. 
5 answers

Did you debug your application and can you share what is in the response of the GetAllAssets action?

You could add a log message before the end events action in case of an error occurring.

For example asset response not valid or not authorized. I'm also not sure about that part because when ‘is authorized’ is true a message is thrown which says you do not have permission?


Can you elaborate what you mean by “we cannot access to our Assets that we have created in Asset Manager of MindSphere” ? Do you mean that the list of Assets are not displayed?

I assume you have carefully followed the instructions from:

Have you deployed the Asset Mendix app in Mindsphere? Have you tried running the app locally in your Studio Pro? 


The screen shots of the microflows you shared seems to belong to the “Siemens MindSphere Pump Asset Example”. In this application only assets for a specific type are returned in the “DS_GetAssets” flow.

You could try to remove the Asset-Type filter (typeId) here:



Hi, just because the token is valid, it doesnt mean that the Get all Assets action is configured properly.  You should check the parameters of the action ( GetQueryParams). I think debuging of the Microflows should give you more insights. If I get you right the DS MF to get the Asst Type for the  Asset View is working properly? So you are getting an Asset Type by Id and you are not able to get the assets that belong to it? 



The one issue i had when connecting was one of my constants was set incorrectly for the cockpit application version.

Check this constant and try changing it from 1.0.0 to 1.0
