Best practice time registration

Hi everyone, I’m trying to make an hour registration page, but really struggling to make something work. My idea is to make a page where I can add (existing) projects to my list view with a table next to it to fill in hours for each day of the week (E.g. Project 1: 1,5 – 2.5 – 3,5 – … – … – … – ...). However, I have trouble finding anything useful online to help me make something like this. Can anyone recommend specific learning paths or tools to help me with this? My main issue is the association between the three objects. Members will be registered to projects, and each project will have (multiple) member specific hour registrations; what is then the best way to create a new hour registration object and link it to both the member and the project? Should I consider a helper object for this? Any tips are greatly appreciated!  
2 answers

Yes, I would consider implementing a helper object to avoid a many-to-many relationship and ensure good long term performance.  The helper object will have a many-to-one relationship to member and project.  I suggest reviewing the Design Advance Domain model path:

Also, in the Salesforce world, this is typically called a junction object.  Googling “Salesforce Junction Object” will return some helpful explanations and the concepts are applicable to Mendix.  There’s also a Salesforce Trailhead project that features a junction object:


Here is a start for the domain model:

But there are many models for it. Often you also have an entity called ‘Activity’.
