Image uploader issues

Hi! I’m having issues with a image uploader to upload a profile picture for an account; the button seems locked, and I’m unable to upload an image. I’m guessing it has something to do with my security setting, however I can’t seem to figure it out.. Any suggestions? (If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m still a mendix noobie).  I choose to give all these three roles the ability to create and delete these objects since an employee would only be able to edit it’s own profile anyway.  Thanks for the help!
4 answers

Hi Renze,

Are you sure the ProfilePicture object is available? If it hasn’t been created yet, a user can not change it :)

You can fix this by not getting the ProfilePicture object over association, but using a microflow that check if the object is available and if not, create (and link) it to the user 



Have you checked the profilePicture entity is being created AND that the the association teamMember_profilePicture is being set before  the user reaches the screen?

I ask because if the profile picture object doesn’t exist  or can’t be found, then anything inside the profile picture dataview will be non-editable.


I was having this same problem. After seeing Wieke's comment, I fixed the problem this way.




Is the ProfilePicture object created and associated with the Teammember object?
