Login error while running my application on cloud, on local it is working fine.

Getting Login error while running my application on cloud, on local it is working fine.
3 answers

You can login into your application deployed in cloud with the username 'MxAdmin' if you're not having the credentials then check the application Environment in the developer portal You can login into your application deployed in cloud with the username 'MxAdmin' if you're not having the credentials then check the application Environment in the developer portal 



Then select any one the environment then click details button then change using the option 'Change Admin password'



You can create the accounts you want using this Admin credentials and login again with the new accounts you created


For each environment your data is different. That’s also the case for local data compared to the data on cloud environments.

The login/user account you have locally doesn’t have to exist on your Test/Acceptance/Production environment. So make sure you create the user with the login credentials if you haven’t already.


i tried using this way also
