Return Object is availableparameter settings of selected microflow does not match available arguments no arguments are available

Hello, I have a simple Microflow:   Now I want to Display the Variable in a Data View as a Parameter but I am getting this Error: "parameter settings of selected microflow does not match available arguments no arguments are available" This is the Data View: I am Still very new to Mendix.   Regards, Aftab
2 answers

Your microflow has ‘Status’ as an input parameter. But on your page it is not encompassed by a dataview/listview/templategrid or something which passes an Status object to your microflow.

If you don't need a Status object passed to your microflow. Remove the input parameter in your microflow and the error is gone.

Looking at your microflow you do want to use a Status object. So you need to either create it in your microflow (beware of continuously creating objects with a DS microflow every time the page loads) or make sure an object of the entity Status has already been passed to your microflow.


You might want to take a look at the learnings to get used to how microflows and pages work in mendix


Not sure about what you’re trying to accomplish, but I think you will be fine if you make these two changes to the microflow:

- remove the inputparameter 'Status’

- replace the “Change ‘Status'” by a “Create 'Status'”
