Odata - How create mendix app to view data from third-party application

What specific training exist that study to create an web application use data from third-party application use odata. For example I can get data from Simatic IT use Postman with odata … Can I coded mobile web app with mendix to view Simatic IT data?
1 answers

Here are some links to the mendix reference material for OData:

→ Use the SAP OData Connector - Mendix 7 How-to's | Mendix Documentation

→ SAP OData Connector - Mendix 7 Reference Guide | Mendix Documentation

→ SAP OData Connector -query


This is the academy training for working with OData and mendix:

→ https://gettingstarted.mendixcloud.com/link/module/84/lecture/560 


Hope it helps
