Trying to show images related to an entity of an entity

Hi, here is my domain model I need to view the activityimages when I am on a page connected to entity workouttracker The workouttracker is linked to the activityinventory entity to get the activityinventory Which turn the image is found using activityinventory id     on this page, I have added a data view to retrieve the list of images related to the activity inventory item selected and displayed on this page  Is this the right way to do it? Using this method I need a microflow that receives the workouttracker entity and should return the list of corresponding images         I am having trouble return the list of images  Please advise, Daniel  
1 answers


I don’t think you need any microflows to build the page you want.

I created the following domain model which is the same as your domain model, I think:

Next, I created a page that has a parent DataView for entity WorkoutTracker, a nested DataView for entity ActivityInventory (via association WorkoutTracker_ActivityInventory) and a ListView nested inside of that to display ActivityImages (via association ActivityImages_ActivityInventory).  

Is this what you are trying to build?



another way you could accomplish this
