Deploying on AWS

Hi, We have our own AWS infrastructure. Is it possible to deploy a mendix app on AWS our own infrastructure using our own CD/CI tools? There seem to be some tools to create a docker image but documentation around this seems to have  been removed or changed recently. Also some mendix docker images don’t seem to be available anymore? Some info or pointers to the correct documentation would be greatly appreciated.  
2 answers

Maybe this documentation can help you further?


Thanks I tried this with a simple app.

However I got the following error when running it:

INFO: Trying to start the MxRuntime...

INFO - Logging: Logging to file: /build/log/out.log, max size: 1099511627776KiB, max rotation: 10

INFO - Core: Mendix Runtime (build 51030). Copyright © 2003-2019 Mendix bv. All rights reserved.

INFO - M2EE: Setting MaxFormContentSize for Runtime Server to 10485760

INFO - Services: Adding 0 authority certificate(s)

ERROR: Executing start did not succeed: result: 11, message: Security level should be set to CHECKEVERYTHING in order to run in acceptance or production environment

WARNING: start failed, stopping

INFO: stopping app...

INFO: Waiting for the application to shutdown...

INFO - Core: Mendix Runtime is shutting down now...

INFO - Core: Mendix Runtime is now shut down.

WARNING: The application did not shutdown by itself...

INFO: Waiting for the JVM process to disappear...

WARNING: The application process seems not to respond to any command or signal.

INFO: Waiting for the JVM process to disappear...

ERROR: Stopping the application process failed thorougly.

Any insights will be appreciated.

